Photos By Sam

This blog is not about me, but rather about my photos and my models. You will see various photos of people, places, events, & animals. Displayed are photos for you to enjoy, and comment on. So just relax, sit a spell, and go through my PhotoBlog. Photos taken prior to 2005 were with my Minolta 35mm camera, afterwards they were Digitally with either my Canon Rebel or Rebel XT. Feel free to click on the pictures for an enlarged version. Don't forget the archives.

My Photo
Location: Arlington, Texas, United States

Photography is my passion, so as you can see, I am an aspiring professional photographer. I by no means am a 1 trick pony, however. I also am a former Instructor, and a personal banker. I hold a BA from Texas Tech University with a major in History & minor in Marketing '90. Other photos at browse Photos By Sam


Traffic Night Shot

Arlington, Tx., Traffic at Hwy 360 & I-20 looking south. This was taken around 2030, (0830 p.m.) Still, fairly busy at that time of night, pretty nice streaks of vehilces both going & coming. Taken on 6/29/06

Miss Feb. '05, Amber Campisi

Amber Campisi, aka Playboy's Miss Feb. '05, Amber posed for me at Plano's ticket stock '05 so that I might capture this beauty on film. Amber was kind enough to not only let me photograph her but also graced me with an autograph.


You might recognize this young lady, she is one of the Cowboy cheerleaders pictured with me on my profile. This is Megan, she posed for this shot at ticket stock in Plano in '05

Pickle Juice Girls

At this year's MS 150 from Frisco - Fort Worth, we spent the night at Texas Motor Speedway. The Pickle Juice Girls were there peddling the juice, so I asked them to pose for me and they gladly accepted.


Reyna from South San Francisco came to visit me in Texas after I moved back from San Francisco in the summer 0f '97. Reyna's step dad hated America's team, so I made sure we both took pictures in front of Valley Ranch, the home of the Dallas Cowboys. I told Reyna to give those pictures to her step dad courtesy of me, needless to say I never saw her again. Spoke with her a time or two, but that seemed to have been the "kiss" of death.

Team FedEx MS-150

These are my cycling buddies, Ken on the left and team Captain Ruben on the right. For the past 3 years we have participated and finished the BP MS 150 ride from Houston to Austin over a weekend.
The ride is a blast with a total of 13,000 riders, the biggest MS 150 in the country, it takes place in late April.

Indy 500

The Greatest Spectacle in Racing, the Indianapolis 500, on this particular Indy 500 I captured this image of I believe it was Michael Andretti in the K-mart no. 2 car, ( I believe his dad Mario was in the no. 6 K-mart car), as they came out of turn 3 and were headed into the straight away. Arie Luyendyk won it that year, 1990.

The Final Solution

This shot was taken back in '99 in the Miami, South Beach area.
I was there for a FedEx Hispanic Forum, and during some off time ran into this monument depicting the atrocity that was known as the Holocaust, The Final Solution.

The Olympic Torch

Summer of '96, the Olympic torch came through San Francisco just prior to the Atlanta '96 Summer Games. I was up on the 10th floor of our Metro Tower Bldg, in Foster City, CA. around noon PST, remember that because I was teaching a courier class and I had let them out for lunch. Photo was shot through the window of the 10th floor.

Midnight Sun

Anchorage, AK on 7/2/99 at roughly between midnight and 0130 a.m. Now you why Alaska is called the land of the midnight sun. I shot this from earth quake park in Anchorage about a mile from the ANC FedEx Hub.
In case you had not noticed there is an airplane in the horizon on the top left of the frame.

Golden Gate Bridge

The world famous Golden Gate Bridge connecting Marin County with San Francisco. This photo was taken back in '94 from the San Francisco vantage point looking toward Marin County.

Bay Area Fog

This is a great looking image of the fog rolling into the San Francisco Bay, the Golden Gate Bridge is almost completely smothered by the fog. Passing underneath the bridge is a freighter that is on its way to the open pacific. Photo taken from the Marin County side, the city of San Francisco is completely hidden by the fog.

Cold Bath

This elephant was evidently frustrated, he tried to smooth talk the misses, but she was not in the mood so she left the area. He became frustrated and decided on a cold bath.
Taken at the Sydney zoo back in '87.

The "Stare"

It appeared as if I was bothering this fella, it just stood there and gave me this stare, with those Spiderman eyes.

Tight Rope

I took this photo of this Dragonfly, because it looked like it was attempting a handstand while on this tightrope of a blade of grass.


Ford GT

This Ford GT was captured digitally back in Oct. '04 at the Texas State Fair in Dallas. I was amazed at how clean and shiney it was, I couldn't resist capturing it with my camera.


This photo was taken at the Fort Worth Zoo, I patiently waited for the right moment to capture this Gorilla, he/she decided to reward me with a wonderful pose.
This was taken in July '06.


This photo of a young Grizzly was taken just off of The Seward Hwy that connects Seward and Anchorage. This was about 40 miles out of Anchorage. I was standing about 40-50 yards from this bear. The Grizzly is a superb animal, I am totally fascinated by these powerful creatures.

Seward, AK.

Seward, Alaska taken from the pier with the boats in the foreground and the towering snow-capped mountain in the background. Seward is about a 3-4 hr drive from Anchorage.

Seward Hwy 1

This is another photo of Seward Hwy. Alaska, the land of the midnight sun, as the Japanese call it, is a magnificant place. Like Hawaii, it should be on everybody's must visit list in the summer.

Seward Hwy 2

This is Seward Hwy between Anchorage and Seward Alaska. It is a beautiful drive all the way with mountains dominating the scenery. The photo was taken in June of '05.

New York City

New York City from atop the Empire State Bldg. This was taken in April of '02, six months after 9'11.
The Big Apple is quite a site, and while there I also attended a Yankees game, always wanted to do that.

Sydney, Australia: Operahouse

This is the famous Sydney Operahouse. I took this photo from the Sydney Harbor Bridge. I was there in Aug. '87, I went and ran a 5K race representing my company, Federal Express.
We had an absolute blast there.

NFL ProBowl

This ofcourse is the ProBowl in Hawaii, this was shot in Feb. '05. A good buddy of mine and I have been to Honolulu several times to party, and go to the game.

Maui, HI.

This scene really captured my eye. I was working in Maui, and was just cruising down the road admiring the view when low and behold I came upon this image. I just could not resist, so I snapped a shot, and it came out great.

Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, HI.

I took this photo from atop of Diamond Head in Oahu, HI. The day was clear, and Waikiki Beach looked great from this vantage point. Waikiki is a beautiful place, just way too many tourists, still I would go back in a heart beat.

Wasatch Mountain Range, Utah

This is a photo of the Wasatch, (if i'm not mistaken) mountain range just east of Salt Lake City, and just west of Park City. It is a big mountain range, if you enlarge the photo, on the bottom right hand corner you will see a semi pulling doubles, now compare that truck to the mountain to get a comparison.


Carol: Black/White & Color

I really like this photo of Carol because of the contrast, I first toyed with this idea in April of '06, it took me a while to master, but I did it.


Carol is a friend of mine that I have known for about a year. She was my first real model when I started using studio lights and a background for a photo shoot.

Ben & Clem: Black/White & Color

This was taken at Lubbock, TX back around '96.
This is a Chevy Deluxe circa 1951. This car was actually used to take my cousin Joe to get baptised.


This is my mom Clemencia, this photo was taken in South Grand Prarie back in '05.


This is a photo of my Dad Ben, it was taken on 7/4/06, he looks pretty deep in thought.


Kristy: Black/White & Color

Now this photo took some work. The original is in color, so then I had so isolate these areas and put the color back in while maintaining the rest of the image in B&W. What do you think?
What do you think of my work? I know what you're thinking, she is very attractive, and she is, but what about my work?

Kristy "Montage"

This is a Kristy "Montage", I have several of Kristy's pictures surrounding
her main photo. The main photo is Black and White with selected items

Kristy 1

Here is Kristy again modeling another outfit. Kristy is a student at UTA. Aside from being attractive she has a great sense of humor and is easy to talk to. During the photo shoot she had both Jenny and I laughing most of the time.

Kristy 2

Kristy is one of my models, here she is modeling clothes for Jenny a friend of mine. Pictures were taken at Jenny's house on August 1, '06.

Sam & Cowboy Cheerleaders ' 05

Yeah Baby!
Megan & Rhonda