Photos By Sam

This blog is not about me, but rather about my photos and my models. You will see various photos of people, places, events, & animals. Displayed are photos for you to enjoy, and comment on. So just relax, sit a spell, and go through my PhotoBlog. Photos taken prior to 2005 were with my Minolta 35mm camera, afterwards they were Digitally with either my Canon Rebel or Rebel XT. Feel free to click on the pictures for an enlarged version. Don't forget the archives.

My Photo
Location: Arlington, Texas, United States

Photography is my passion, so as you can see, I am an aspiring professional photographer. I by no means am a 1 trick pony, however. I also am a former Instructor, and a personal banker. I hold a BA from Texas Tech University with a major in History & minor in Marketing '90. Other photos at browse Photos By Sam



Reyna from South San Francisco came to visit me in Texas after I moved back from San Francisco in the summer 0f '97. Reyna's step dad hated America's team, so I made sure we both took pictures in front of Valley Ranch, the home of the Dallas Cowboys. I told Reyna to give those pictures to her step dad courtesy of me, needless to say I never saw her again. Spoke with her a time or two, but that seemed to have been the "kiss" of death.


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